School Meals for Kids

£5 can tackle child malnutrition and improve academic performance in kids.

Refugee kids in East Sudan have immense potential and intelligence.

With education, they can break the poverty cycle and uplift their communities. But it’s impossible to learn on an empty stomach. Hunger hinders concentration and poor nutrition has damaging effects on a child’s development.

At Kafel Aid, we provide school meals to improve the health and wellbeing of children in poor communities. Because better nutrition means better performance and concentration in the classroom.

Story of success


School Meals

Aisha’s attendance has improved ever since we began providing meals at her school. And she no longer experiences hunger-induced restlessness, or the low energy which used to affect her ability to focus in class.

 Previously, an ordinary school day was full of immense challenges for 10-year-old Aisha. Come lunch time she had to walk several miles to look for food. Often, she’d return late, missing much of her lessons. And sometimes she couldn’t return to school at all.

At home, Aisha rarely got to eat her fill. Like many families in her refugee community, hers also struggles with extreme poverty, and Aisha’s parents often struggle to feed their children.

All that is in the past now that Aisha gets to eat lunch at school, with her friends. Aisha’s academic performance is improving rapidly each day. She’s passionate about her lessons and can now hope for a more promising future.

current appeal


The rate of malnutrition and food security in East Sudan is alarming. In a region where parents struggle to feed their children, education is the last thing on anyone’s mind.

To break the cycle of poverty and malnutrition sustainably, we collaborate with local communities, schools, and stakeholders. We source food locally where we can, supporting local farmers and contributing to economic development in the region. And we do all we can to ensure our School Meals Project remains culturally sensitive to the specific needs of refugee children in East Sudan.

With children getting regular meals at lunchtime, parents are encouraged to send their kids to school. And then we see one good thing after another: overall health improves; attendance improves; academic performance improves.

Today, we support 1000 students from refugee camps in East Sudan. We’ve seen kids who previously suffered from malnutrition now performing at the top of their class.

Muhammad Thrives
Thanks to School Meals

Empowering Refugee Students

Kafel Aid’s School Meals Project in East Sudan has had a positive impact on the lives of hundreds of children. This is the story of just one of our many recipients, 12-year-old Muhammad. Since Muhammad has been receiving a daily lunch meal at school, his life has changed for the better. Previously, he would spend break times looking for some food to eat. Often, he wouldn’t find anything and stay hungry. Nowadays, he has a freshly prepared and nutritious lunch that’s served to all the children at his school, so his worries are over. He looks forward to school, knowing that even if there is no food at home, he has had at least one satisfying meal for the day. Now, he rarely misses school.

Children from poverty-stricken families would often arrive at school hungry and without any lunch to sustain them through their long days. This affected their overall physical and mental capacity and development, as well as their emotional wellbeing – knowing there simply is no food to satisfy their hunger makes children anxious. Inadequate diets also negatively impact children’s academic performance. Without nutritious food to fuel their bodies and minds, they have reduced energy and concentration levels so cannot make the most of the education provided or their own abilities.

Kafel Aid’s School Meal Project in East Sudan has changed this. Schools have recorded their best attendance levels ever, as well as improved behaviour and academic performance. Our School Meals Project paves the way to brighter futures, one meal at a time.

School Meals

Give School Meal

Refugee kids in East Sudan have immense potential and intelligence.

With education, they can break the poverty cycle and uplift their communities. But it’s impossible to learn on an empty stomach. Hunger hinders concentration and poor nutrition has damaging effects on a child’s development.

Energising Minds Now!