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Donate to eye medical care!

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Bank Transfer:

Account Name: Kafel Aid
Bank Name: Al Rayan Bank
Sort Code: 30-00-83
Account No: 01269001

Please specify type of donation in reference e.g. Zakat-Water

For International Bank Transfers:

Account Name: Kafel Aid

IBAN: GB69 ARAY 3000 8301 2690 01

Please reference your donations with your name and any cause you would like your donation to be used for. Receipts: email

Cheque by Post:

Payable to: Kafel Aid, 162-164 High Street, Digbeth City Centre, Birmingham B12 0LD

Include your name, address and any specific directions on the back. If a receipt is required, please provide your email address.



A leading cause of blindness is cataracts. A Cataract is the clouding of the eye’s lens and, if left untreated, can result in complete loss of sight. Cataract removal surgeries are simple, life-changing procedures that restore sight and can remove blindness almost instantly. And yet, many people worldwide are living with blindness simply because they cannot afford the medical expense of treatment. In the remote regions of Sudan, blindness is surprisingly common due to a lack of access to proper healthcare. For this reason, many people rely on surgical camps that charities like Kafel Aid organise when the need for treatment exists.